From one place, hotels and clients can handle communication, reservations, and service orders such as cleaning or taxi arrangements.
guestaria.comHR & Development
"At Spinoco, I make sure that both our application and our team are running smoothly. In terms of development, I mostly focus on user interface modifications – whether it's new functionalities or changes based on client feedback. I like to take advantage of every opportunity to communicate with clients and help them get the most out of their Spinoco experience."
Business Development
"Primarily, my job is to design effective and beneficial solutions for our clients. I work on making Spinoco fit into the clients' existing way of working and add value to their entire team. In addition to designing these solutions, I'm also involved in their actual development."
Product Manager
"My responsibility is the continuous development of the Spinoco application. My goal is to make sure that our clients' experience with our application becomes better and better when it comes to new features or modifications of the existing ones. Apart from planning the new features, I also work on their development and communicate with clients to make sure we provide them with the best solution."
Technical Support
"Every day I make sure that our clients are taken care of both from a technical and business perspective. I communicate with clients to understand their needs and help them use the Spinoco application simply and effectively. In addition to deploying new solutions for clients, I also communicate with our existing customers whenever they need technical support."
"I focus on developing the Spinoco application as such and on the implementation of advanced solutions for our clients. For example, I implement connections to customers' technical solutions or other tailor-made solutions. I also help the technical support team whenever the clients' requirement needs involvement from the development."
HR & Development
"At Spinoco, I make sure that both our application and our team are running smoothly. In terms of development, I mostly focus on user interface modifications – whether it's new functionalities or changes based on client feedback. I like to take advantage of every opportunity to communicate with clients and help them get the most out of their Spinoco experience."
Business Development
"Primarily, my job is to design effective and beneficial solutions for our clients. I work on making Spinoco fit into the clients' existing way of working and add value to their entire team. In addition to designing these solutions, I'm also involved in their actual development."
Product Manager
"My responsibility is the continuous development of the Spinoco application. My goal is to make sure that our clients' experience with our application becomes better and better when it comes to new features or modifications of the existing ones. Apart from planning the new features, I also work on their development and communicate with clients to make sure we provide them with the best solution."
Technical Support
"Every day I make sure that our clients are taken care of both from a technical and business perspective. I communicate with clients to understand their needs and help them use the Spinoco application simply and effectively. In addition to deploying new solutions for clients, I also communicate with our existing customers whenever they need technical support."
"I focus on developing the Spinoco application as such and on the implementation of advanced solutions for our clients. For example, I implement connections to customers' technical solutions or other tailor-made solutions. I also help the technical support team whenever the clients' requirement needs involvement from the development."
Product Manager
"Jsem zodpovědný za kontinuální rozvoj Aplikace Spinoco. V případě nových funkcionalit či úprav těch stávajících pracuji na tom, aby zkušenost klientů s naší aplikací byla pokaždé lepší a lepší. Kromě návrhu těchto řešení se věnuji jejich vývoji a komunikaci s klienty, abychom mohli zajistit, že jim dodáváme to nejlepší."
HR & Development
"Ve Spinoco se starám o to, aby perfektně šlapala jak naše aplikace, tak náš tým. Z hlediska vývoje se nejčastěji věnuji úpravám v uživatelském rozhraní ― ať už jde o nové funkcionality, nebo úpravy na základě zpětné vazby klientů. Využívám ráda každou příležitost s klienty komunikovat a pomoci jim získat z používání Aplikace Spinoco maximum."
Business Development
"Má práce spočívá primárně v navrhování efektivních a užitečných řešení pro naše klienty. Pracuji na tom, aby Aplikace Spinoco zapadla do již existujícího způsobu práce klienta a přinesla přidanou hodnotu celému týmu zákazníka. Kromě navrhování těchto řešení se také podílím na jejich faktickém vývoji."
Technical Support
"Každý den se věnuji tomu, aby naši klienti byli spokojeni a to jak po technické, tak obchodní stránce. Komunikuji s klienty ohledně jejich potřeb a pomáhám jim zprovoznit Aplikaci Spinoco v jejich prostředí tak, aby se jim pracovalo snadno a plynule. Kromě nasazování nových řešení u klientů také komunikuji se stávajícími zákazníky, kdykoliv potřebují z naší strany technickou podporu."
"Primárně se zaměřuji jak na vývoj Aplikace Spinoco jako takové, tak na implementaci pokročilých řešení pro naše klienty. Například řeším napojení na vlastní technická řešení klientů či další custom vývoj. Pomáhám také týmu technické podpory, kdykoliv klientské požadavky vyžadují zásah vývoje."